The Slave Harem: A Kingdom of Slaves Book Read online

Page 2

  “Where will I live?” Ren asked, throat tightening.

  “Here, of course. We have a full compliment of classrooms and teachers. You will even have schoolmates. I will expect top grades from you, of course. I will expect you to have finished all your studies to complete your high school education by your birthday. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir. Yes, master!”

  “And when you turn eighteen, we will reassess.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  Chapter Two

  Several Months Later

  The first time Ren knelt on a soft velvet pillow in front of a naked, erect man he noticed two things.

  One: It aroused him very much to be allowed to do this.

  Two: The cock itself was already erupting, but not with semen. Thin golden flares of light emitted from the tiny opening at the crown. Like miniature lightning bolts, they cascaded along the shaft, touching at pinpoints almost erratically.

  Ren had studied fellatio from his training master by reading and watching videos, but this was his first hands on session since being collared. After he had graduated his high school studies with high honors, and been accepted for slave training by Master Locke, it had been three months of study, reading, videos, and watching live performances before he was allowed to touch another person.

  Now they were in a private alcove of the main training room. Of course anyone could see in since there were no doors to the alcoves, but it was nice to have an area with a bed, pillows, and no distractions but the test subject and the training master who had been assigned to him.

  “Are you ready, Ren?” Master Holden asked.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Remember the act is about more than just sucking.”

  Ren nodded. He was not embarrassed. Only eager. Happier than he’d ever been. Finally, he was allowed to touch another. Finally, the training would include real, actual sex.

  He watched the golden lights play about the cock before him, mouth watering.

  “Begin,” the master instructed.

  Using his tongue, Ren traced all the lines of the lightning, teasing and wetting the cock wherever those little lights touched.

  His subject, a slave named Tony, began to gasp.

  Master Holden said, “Tony, control yourself. He’s not hurting you, is he?”

  “No, sir. It’s just already very good, master.”

  “You’ve been the recipient of many a student’s first time. You act like no one’s ever touched you before!”

  “I’m sorry, Master!” Tony said.

  Ren began again, following the golden light-paths, touching his tongue where they touched, licking where they lingered.

  Tony gasped again.

  “What is it?” Master Holden asked. “You can’t be ready to come yet!”

  “As I said, he’s good sir. It’s just that good.”

  The master shook his head, rolling his eyes. “He hasn’t even started. Nor has he ever done this before. If you two are up to something, I’ll hear about it.”

  “No, Master. I swear.”

  Ren sat back. “I don’t really know Tony all that well, sir. We are not up to anything.”

  Master Holden made a motion with his hand. “Back to work, Ren. And Tony, I’ve never had a problem with you before. If you come too fast, the lesson will be thwarted. I’ll have no choice but to send you back half a grade.”

  “Yes, Master.” But Tony, always good-natured according to gossip, grinned. He had told Ren on the way to the training room that he loved being a test subject. He was patient. He had even said, “If you accidentally bite me, I’m cool. I won’t tell. Just be careful.”

  Ren stared at the Tony’s erect cock. It was a nice one. Not too big for first time fellatio. It stood out from his body and curved upward, sweet, not intimidating.

  The little lightning bolts continued to sizzle around the shaft, and the light coming from the head now looked like puffs of bluish air filled with white sparks.

  It made him hot to watch this.


  Ren looked up at Master Holden.

  The master gave him a puzzled look. “You may start again. Any time now.”

  Ren followed the lights, laving the cock, leaving wet trails wherever the golden-white charges went. More light congregated, turning bronze on the places he’d been.

  Tony tasted wonderful, and Ren licked all around the head, then kissed it lightly, inhaling to try to catch some of the light. But there was no sensation to his tongue or lips from the effect, not even a small burn. This was something intrinsic to Tony, his body, his cock.

  Tony moaned loudly as Ren took the head between his lips and sucked it into his mouth.

  Obviously, Tony liked it—loved it—which was wonderful. But more, despite Ren not feeling or tasting the electricity, other sensations washed over him. Arousal, yes, but more. Deep in his mind he heard a wind shushing by, and stars flickered in the corners of his vision. He felt as if he were sliding through barriers he could not see, as if reality were as fragile as a blown egg and he was peeking through to something beyond he could not name.

  Good sex could be this way. Orgasms were a drug. Euphoria could cause people to have visions.

  But Ren was not even near to coming.

  Tony, however, was as Ren took more of him into his mouth and re-traced the lines he’d lingered on before with his tongue, his lips, sucking him into the back of his throat.

  Time wavered in this moment. He did not hear anyone but Tony, not Master Holden or the other noises of the training room. He saw only light and more light of all colors sprouting from Tony’s skin, floating in tangled beams upon the air around them.

  Tony moaned some more, and the noises became garbled words.



  “That’s the most amazing sensation ever!”

  That last sentence was the least garbled. Encouraged, Ren’s own energy increased. He felt a cascade of pleasure run through his limbs, his belly, his cock.

  Something had changed in him since his fever. He knew that. He had accepted seeing the auras and haloes, but this? This was something so much more detailed than he’d ever seen during his months of schooling, and then the beginning of his training. It was as if his first hands-on experience opened more doors inside his mind. Now he could see more than emotion in the auras. He saw specific bodily desires. The lights led him to be able to touch exactly as a person craved.

  All his focus centered on Tony, who was nearly yelling now. It went on and on like that until finally Tony screamed and Ren felt the burst, tasted the pleasure, drank the essence.

  The cock throbbed for a long time before Ren let it go.

  He could not say how long he’d been on his knees. All he knew as he leaned back, buttocks on the backs of his heels, and looked up into Master Holden’s face, was it seemed the entire room had quieted.

  Master Holden’s eyebrows were so tightly knit together they made a single line of hair over his eyes.

  Ren glanced over his shoulder to see a circle of aroused naked slaves and masters observing. This action was allowed. Ren had observed sexual acts himself in the training room, both inside and outside the alcoves.

  Tony had not yet caught his breath. He rubbed gently at the base of his cock, almost absent-minded about it. His eyes were dark, his head still tossed back as if he was still reliving the experience.

  Quietly, Master Holden spoke. “Ren. Excellent work. Tony. Report.”

  “It was like his touch, his mouth, his sucking reached inside me. More than touch. I can’t explain.”

  “Compatible body chemistry,” said Master Holden. “And his technique?”

  “I—I can’t find any fault,” Tony said. His cheeks were pink. He breathed in long, letting the air out hard and fast.

  Holden nodded.

  Ren’s own body ached with the still unspent pleasure of his own enjoyment in what he’d just done. His muscles were taut. His balls drawn
tight. His cock jutting upward. When his gaze drifted from the group behind him and back toward his master, Ren could see the tent of Holden’s own erection against the lap of his black slacks.

  One of the masters outside the alcove stepped up beside Master Holden.

  “That’s quite an effect he had on everybody in this room,” he said.

  Holden started to shake his head. “That’s how things are here in training.”

  “Not like this,” the master said. He looked at Ren.

  Ren bowed his head in respect, not looking him in the eye.

  “You have a special one here,” the master added.

  Ren felt the praise like a tingle all over. He wanted to smile, but kept himself humble, head down.

  Finally, Holden picked up the end of Ren’s leash, and Tony’s leash. He led them out of the alcove and the crowd had to move to let them pass.

  “Come along,” he said as if nothing interesting had happened.

  Pleasure unspent, but definitely not unsatisfied, Ren followed, Tony right by his side.

  Chapter Three

  Training with the Master

  The painting above Master Holden’s head looked ancient. Surrounded by a weathered, gilt frame, it depicted a large columned room lined with fancy couches and a bathing pool at the center. The area edged off to a balcony showing a pink sky and yellow clouds.

  All about the couches and over the edges of the pool beautiful men wearing nothing but white loincloths draped themselves. Some of the men were leaning or standing, showing off curved thigh muscles, or the grace of a firm bicep. This was a painting of a harem.

  The painting looked old because the colors were muted, and the oils appeared cracked. But Ren couldn’t be sure that wasn’t done intentionally by the artist to make it look that way.

  A silver light imbued the painting, flickering about the edges of the frame.

  Master Holden reclined on the bed below the painting, shirt, belt and boots off. He had a lovely, firm chest, tanned and gleaming, covered with a dusting of dark fur. Today he had a lavender aura containing excited little spikes of darker purple.

  Ren stood naked before him, holding a tray that contained a dozen bottles of fine oils of different scents and hues. Beside them sat anal plugs of varying sizes and girths, and a stack of neatly folded, soft white cleaning cloths.

  Ren had prepared for this day. His special afternoon of first penetration. He’d had a long bath, and had attended to every part of his body with external and internal cleansing. A slave he knew and liked by the name of Mikal, had helped him with the permanent removal of his chest, underarms, anus and balls. He had agreed to the hair removal, liking the idea of it, the youthfulness of the trend. Mikal had left only a cropped triangle of hair, a perfectly shaped equilateral triangle with the point touching the base of Ren’s cock. The stubble wasn’t so short as to be sharp, but had a velvety feel when Ren ran his hand over it.

  Ren’s long, dark hair had been trimmed, then braided front to back on the sides and gathered in a single, shining braid that met the center of his back between his shoulder blades. Wisps of shorter hairs had come free at his forehead, and wafted over his face like a sweet, barely visible veil. Ren was not as dark as Holden, but his body gleamed, fit and with a more creamy tan than Holden’s, skin stretched taut over slim muscles he’d refined over the months of training, spending two hours a day running and swimming and lifting low weights.

  As Master Holden had earlier instructed, Ren brought the tray to the bed and set it down.

  Master Holden stared at him. Rarely, did the master touch him. He had Ren perform acts upon other slaves for lessons in technique. So far, the lessons had been oral and hand pleasure. Nothing more. Always, Ren gave the pleasure. He did not receive. Holden was the teacher, the director. He did not touch his trainees unless they needed help or adjustment. He did not require them to touch him.

  But now Ren had graduated to another level of training, and Holden told him he had requested to stay with Ren and not pass him off to another hands-on master. Holden would see Ren’s training through to the week of finals when Ren would attempt to pass all his tests in front of the Eminent Masters over a five day period.

  Ren was fine with Holden being his master for the rest of his time at the Slave Palace. He had not fallen for him, as some trainees did for their masters. Falling in love with a master was strictly discouraged, but it happened more often than not, especially with younger slaves. Human attachment and feelings of closeness during sexual lessons could not be curbed by a simple written rule

  But Ren had no problem in that regard. He liked Holden, and trusted him. Holden was handsome and refined, extremely professional, soft-spoken and not scary at all. He was the perfect master to have so Ren could practice intercourse until he was skilled enough to take his final exams.

  Today was a special day. His first time for penetration.

  “Turn,” Holden said from the bed. He was surrounded by plush, black pillows and a black spread. For this special time, he’d brought Ren to a private room.

  Ren felt his lips press into a tiny smile and put his arms out about six inches from his sides. He turned his body slowly so Holden could see him from front to back.

  Ren was already half erect and had been all day anticipating this lesson.

  Holden sat up, careful to avoid the tray. “Come to me.”

  Ren approached the bed until his knees touched the sides.

  “Turn again,” Holden instructed.

  Ren did.


  Ren’s backside faced Holden. He stood very still, waiting. He felt a gentle hand sweep the curve of his left buttock and glide downward until it rested against the back of his thigh.

  Holden said, “Bend a little, please. Then reach back and spread yourself.”

  Ren did as the master commanded. He pulled his cheeks apart and felt the air touch his hairless bud with a slight tickle.

  He heard Holden breathe out. “Excellent. Perfect. Good job. Your assistant Mikal will be commended in my report for leaving behind not one hair. Turn to face me, now.”

  Disappointed that Holden still did not touch him more intimately, but only looked, Ren obeyed.

  Holden’s lavender aura had spread outward in shapes of flower petals overlapping. The color had a calming affect on Ren. He wasn’t afraid, but for his first time with a master alone, he was nervous. He didn’t want to do anything wrong, which was stupid because this was a time of learning.

  “Come up onto the bed,” Holden ordered.

  Ren obeyed, sitting with his knees folded under him, his cock bobbing against his thigh.

  “Would you like me to undo your trousers?” Ren asked.

  “I want you to lie beside me. On your back.”

  Ren moved to straighten his body until he was settled by his master’s side.

  Holden sat up. “Spread your legs.”

  Ren moved his legs apart, knees slightly bent.

  Holden knelt between them. He took a bottle of pink oil from the tray and opened it. A faint scent of flowers brushed the air, not too overwhelming. It was as if a wind had blown into the room bringing with it the freshness of a garden.

  Ren thought Holden would start right in, getting him ready for first penetration. Instead, he oiled his hands and ran them all up and down Ren’s body, stroking, caressing. He circled his erect nipples again and again. He oiled his navel, lightly tickling. He spread his palms over Ren’s hips and thighs, moving his way down the legs, then up again. He avoided Ren’s cock and balls.

  Finally Holden said, “You are beautiful.”

  Ren always enjoyed praise. This was no different. In fact, he needed it. He was so aroused, but his nerves made it difficult to relax.

  “Lift your knees to your chest, please,” Holden said.

  “Yes, Master.” Ren’s hands slipped as he pulled his knees up. One leg slid down. Suddenly awkward, he shifted so his hands were behind his knees. He held himself open as Ho
lden calmly watched.

  Ren wanted this to go smoothly, to be perfect. His cheeks heated when he had trouble staying still and Holden did not help him. Finally settling, he waited.

  “Very good,” Holden said.

  Ren bit the inside of his lower lip. He told himself over and over he was going to do everything right.

  “I’m going to touch you now between your buttocks.” He took up a blue jar of oil. “I will slowly get you used to my fingers. All right?”

  “Yes, sir.” His voice came out shakier than he’d intended.

  The first touch was light, smooth. It felt startling but wonderful at the same time. For a minute, Holden simply caressed him there, over his entrance. Ren’s cock yearned for touch as well, but got nothing. His balls ached.

  “One finger now.”

  It went into him smoothly, but with a pressure and slight burn that Ren was not used to.

  “Deep breaths and relax,” Holden instructed.

  Ren breathed in and held it.

  “Don’t hold your breath,” Holden said.

  Ren let the air out. The finger inside him pushed further in. Even with the oil it stung a bit, and the sense of invasion surprised him because he had never felt that way when he had imagined this act. And he’d already had another hole invaded time and time again. He’d loved it, loved sucking cocks all the way back into his throat.

  Slowly, the finger inside him moved in and out.

  Ren found no pleasure in it. But he forced a calm upon himself.

  Holden looked down at him. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes.” The word came as a whisper.

  He smiled. “Don’t be impatient with yourself. You’ll get used to it. That’s why I’m here. That’s why we’re doing this.”

  Ren could only nod.

  Holden poured more oil over his crack. Some of it got on Ren’s balls and that felt good for a moment, nice and slick and cool. He felt them move with his arousal.